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Why Wildlife Returning to Chernobyl Tells Us Almost Nothing

Several years ago, I was speaking with a prominent Anthropocene scholar in Uppsala, Sweden. We were in disagreement about the risks to the environment of nuclear power. For both of us, Chernobyl was part of making our case to each other. He told me that if the radiation around Chernobyl was so dangerous, it would not now be as full of returning wildlife as it has become. Animals are becoming more abundant there, he explained, so it shows that things are not as dangerous in the Exclusion Zone as

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Imagining a Nuclear World War Two in Europe: Preparing US Troops for the Battlefield Use of Nuclear Weapons

I have a new article on this in print, you can read it here.In the 1950s the US Army prepared troops to participate in a nuclear war against the Soviet Union in Europe. While the Strategic Air Command had elaborate plans to attack the Soviet Union and its assets with large nuclear weapons, the Army had only tactical nuclear weapons. It anticipated fighting the Soviet Union in battles fought very much like those of World War Two, simply with the larger, nuclear weapons added to its arsenal.To

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