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Hybrid Lecture: How millions harmed by nuclear weapons and power have been made invisible during the Cold War and after

I'll be presenting a lecture in the History Seminar Series 2024 at the University of New South Wales in Sydney Australia on June 4th. The lecture will be at 12:30 -- 14:00 AEST, live in the Laureate Centre Room (Morven Brown 353) on the UNSW campus, and also live on Zoom (link below):For Zoom access to the lecture, click here. Additional details here. The lecture will be posted on YouTube afterwards, I'll link to that here on the Global Hibakusha blog, and my webpages. Come join us either with

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Nuclear Hotseat Interview

I was interviewed by Libbe HaLevy on her podcast, Nuclear Hotseat, at the beginning of the month. The interview focused on my book Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha. We talked about a lot of things, including, the medical model of harm from radiation (the Life Span Study) at the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission in Hiroshima, and how it contributed to obscuring harm from internalized radioactive particles from fallout, about how nuclear weapon states select those who will be irradiated by

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Podcast Interview: The Comfortable Spot

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Ken Sweeney on his podcast "The Comfortable Spot." Ken interviews folks from all walks of life about their work and journey. We had an engaged discussion about my path from Chicago to Hiroshima, issues around the nuclear attack in Hiroshima, issues raised in my book Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha, and the use or lack of use of nuclear weapons in warfare—including in the current war in Ukraine. You can find the interview on any podcast app, and

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Video of My Book Talk at the University of Chicago in October

I was honored to give a book talk on the 19th of October this year at the Unviersity of Chicago, sponsored by CEAS (Center for East Asian Studies) and the Seminary Co-op Bookstore in Hyde Park. The talk was hosted by the legendary scholar Norma Field, and included my good friend and former colleague Hiroko Takahashi as the discussant. The video of the whole event is available

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Book Talk October 19

I'll be presenting a book talk on Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha online on October 19 (US), as part of the East Asia by the Book! series hosted by the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Chicago and the Seminary Co-op Bookstore. My good friend and former colleague Dr. Hiroko Takahashi will be Discussant. We are really honored to have the event hosted by the esteemed Dr. Norma Fields. I'll give a presentation outlining the major arguments and findings of the book. These

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Nuclear Bodies Book Talks Fall 2022

I'll be giving a few book talks this fall in the US and Canada, and a few in the spring in Europe. Coming up in September and October 2022:September 16: University of British Columbia September 22: Pomona CollegeOctober 19: University of ChicagoAdditional details about each talk and links can be found on the events page of the Nuclear Bodies webpage

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