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Nuclear Hotseat Interview: “Oppenheimer” Opens in Japan

I was interviewed by Libbe Halevi on her wonderful podcast, Nuclear Hotseat this week. Libbe interviewed me about the opening of the film "Oppenheimer" in Japan and we talked about perceptions and reactions to the film here. Beyond talk of the film, we also talked about the Hiroshima Peace Institute, our history and work, and on several interesting subjects including: what happens in Hiroshima on August 6th, and what film have people who live here engaged with as a key expression of the local

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Cities of Peace Roundtable: From Atlanta to Hiroshima

I'll be joining with scholars from the Carter Center in Atlanta in a roundtable discussion on "Cities of Peace Roundtable: From Atlanta to Hiroshima," on Wednesday the 16th. The event is part of the Global Media Festival hosted by the School of Modern Languages of Georgia Tech.For information, and to register to join for free visit:'ll be discussion Peace Studies and the current situation in the world along with the

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Asian Journal of Peacebuilding Special Issue: Transforming Violence into Peace through Education

A special issue of the Asian Journal of Peacebuilding that I co-edited with Soonjung Kwon is now available both in print, and online. The journal is published by the Institute of Peace and Unification Studies of Seoul National University. Here is the table of contents:As you can see, there are many articles about the practice of peace education in many different regions of the world, where educators are facing a diversity of challenges to teaching peace in both a global, and especially in a

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