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Nuclear Hotseat Interview: “Oppenheimer” Opens in Japan

I was interviewed by Libbe Halevi on her wonderful podcast, Nuclear Hotseat this week. Libbe interviewed me about the opening of the film "Oppenheimer" in Japan and we talked about perceptions and reactions to the film here. Beyond talk of the film, we also talked about the Hiroshima Peace Institute, our history and work, and on several interesting subjects including: what happens in Hiroshima on August 6th, and what film have people who live here engaged with as a key expression of the local

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Short Videos on Themes from the Book *Nuclear Bodies*

I have been producing short, sharable videos on the themes of my upcoming book, Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha, which will be released next month by Yale University Press. The video on nuclear waste messaging below is one of those. If you want to see others, you can find them all here. More about the book, and links to booksellers can be found

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"Nuclear Memory Effects: Remembering Hiroshima and Forgetting Fukushima," Keynote Lecture for the Troubling Anniversaries Conference

I was honored to be asked to present the keynote lecture at the Troubling Anniversaries Conference held in October 2021 jointly by the Institute for Historical Research of the School of Advanced Study at the University of London, and the Center for Public History at Queen's University Belfast. The conference brought together a fascinating cross-section of scholars and practitioners. All of the sessions are available online and can be seen here. My keynote lecture explored memory culture in

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The Global Hibakusha and Post-Cold War Nuclear Humanities

I was honored to give a lecture to faculty and students at University of Gour Banga in West Bengal, India on 5 July 2021, via Zoom. The lecture was part of the Parley 2021 series hosted by the Department of English. My talk was titled: "The Global Hibakusha and Post-Cold War Nuclear Humanities." It explored the ways that nuclear humanities were practiced during the Cold War, and how it changed and evolved after the Cold War period. I discussed my work on global hibakusha issues as an example of

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How Internal Exposures to Radiation Make People Invisible: Video

I was honored to be invited to give a lecture in the "Night with the Experts" series of the Nuclear Education Information Services (NEIS) group based in Chicago (my hometown). The title of my talk is, "How Internal Exposures to Radiation Make People Invisible." There are several parts to the lecture:-The effects of nuclear weapons-How internal and external exposures to radiation are experienced differently and affect people differently-External exposures affect our whole bodies-Internal

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August 6 Interviews

I did a number of interviews on August 6. There was connectivity issues on some of them. It was also interesting that while most years on August 6 I am asked about Hiroshima issues, this year I was asked about more about nuclear testing and Global Hibakusha issues.Here are links to several of them.On Al Jazeera English:On  BBC World Service:On BBC One:On Euronews:<span class="fr-marker" data-id="0" data-type="true" style="display: none; line-height:

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Livestream: ZERO Project 2020 Digital Roundtable August 7 / 8

There will be an amazing online event on Friday evening August 7 (USA times) and Saturday morning August 8 (Japan time). The event is sponsored by the Zero Project and includes music by DJ Spooky and numerous speaker and breakout session digital events. I will take part in a digital roundtable in dialogue with DJ Spooky,  Ryo Oshiba (President of the Hiroshima Peace Institute), and artist Cannon Hersey. The digital roundtable will be in English with Japanese subtitles. DJ Spooky will also

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Nuclear Reality 75 years after Hiroshima-Nagasaki | Bo Jacobs #ssl72

I had a great chat with Joy Walsh on Tuesday August 4 here in Hiroshima on her Inbound Ambassador livestream series. Joy has a series of talks on sustainability issues, and especially as they relate to Japan. She has a very insightful conversation with a wide range of people every weekday at 9 am Japan time. I love talking to Joy, and this conversation still felt special. We covered a broad range of topics from the 75th anniversary of the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima & Nagasaki, the various

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Managing Nuclear Memory: The Journey from Hiroshima to Fukushima

Webinar!I will be in dialogue with scholars Norma Field and Yuki Miyamoto for an online discussion that you can join via Zoom next weekend, in part commemorating the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but also exploring the public management of nuclear understandings since then, especially as relates to Fukushima, and the Global Hibakusha.Time:August 7 (Fri) 11 am (EDT) East Coast USAAugust 7 (Fri) 10 am (CDT) Central USAAugust 7 (Fri) 8 am (PDT) West Coast USAAugust 7 (Fri) 5 pm (CET)

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